I have just recently been made aware of this disorder and when I have spoken to other teachers many of them had not heard of it, so I thought that it would be great to write about it on my blog.
Dyscalculia is generally very similar to Dyslexia, but for numbers. People with Dyscalculia generally have great difficulty with the most basic aspects of numbers and arithmatic. Dyscalculia is often due to visual-spatial difficulties ( making sense of what the eye sees) and language processing difficulties ( making sense of what the ear hears).
They mix up mathematical symbols and similar looking digits are muddled: 6,9,3,8. They have difficulty planning problems and experience difficulty with complex thinking.
There are many other symtoms but not all of them may be displayed when considering if a child has Dyscalculia.
(From article by Eden Pringle-Remedial Teacher's Association)
To find out more about this disorder, go to the following links: