Wednesday, 09 September 2009

AD/HD National Awareness Day

14th September 2009

Whether your ADDer child or spouse is super bright, of average IQ or one who is intellectually challenged, their AD/HD is a gift.

Find out what makes them special and love them unconditionally.
Stop looking for the bad - Catch'em Doing Good
Educate yourself and those around you.

Explore all the options for treatment.
Lobby your medical aidsRemember - optimally medicated AD/HD children are less likely to self medicate with drugs and alcohol and nicotine later in life.

Courtesy of Ladd News Sept 2009

Tuesday, 08 September 2009

Website for Remedial and Special Education Educators

Please go and have a look at They have fantastic articles and information relevant to educators and parents of remedial and special education children.