Wednesday, 09 September 2009

AD/HD National Awareness Day

14th September 2009

Whether your ADDer child or spouse is super bright, of average IQ or one who is intellectually challenged, their AD/HD is a gift.

Find out what makes them special and love them unconditionally.
Stop looking for the bad - Catch'em Doing Good
Educate yourself and those around you.

Explore all the options for treatment.
Lobby your medical aidsRemember - optimally medicated AD/HD children are less likely to self medicate with drugs and alcohol and nicotine later in life.

Courtesy of Ladd News Sept 2009

Tuesday, 08 September 2009

Website for Remedial and Special Education Educators

Please go and have a look at They have fantastic articles and information relevant to educators and parents of remedial and special education children.

Wednesday, 05 August 2009

New Maths Handbook and Studyguide

For those of us that have been exposed to the fantastic Afrikaans as well as English Handbook and Study Guides put together by Beryl Lutrin and Marcelle Pincus, you will be delighted to know that two more books are being added to their range:

The Grade 11 Maths Handbook and Study Guide AND

The Grade 12 Maths Handbook and Study Guide

These books are written by Kevin Smith and will be available in September from our website

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Resources for Primary School Teachers

It's holidays at last and we hope that you get some well deserved rest.
Thank you to the many people that sent e-mails and comments regarding the article on dyscalculia. It was great to get such positive feedback.
This week I have included another website that offers free lesson worksheets and ideas for primary school children. There are far too many to tell you about so click on the link below and check it out for yourself or add it to your favourites list.
Don't forget to let me know if you have any great websites or articles that would be of benefit to teachers.

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Maths Disorder - DYSCALCULIA

I have just recently been made aware of this disorder and when I have spoken to other teachers many of them had not heard of it, so I thought that it would be great to write about it on my blog.
Dyscalculia is generally very similar to Dyslexia, but for numbers. People with Dyscalculia generally have great difficulty with the most basic aspects of numbers and arithmatic. Dyscalculia is often due to visual-spatial difficulties ( making sense of what the eye sees) and language processing difficulties ( making sense of what the ear hears).
They mix up mathematical symbols and similar looking digits are muddled: 6,9,3,8. They have difficulty planning problems and experience difficulty with complex thinking.
There are many other symtoms but not all of them may be displayed when considering if a child has Dyscalculia.
(From article by Eden Pringle-Remedial Teacher's Association)
To find out more about this disorder, go to the following links:

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Fun Brain Maths - Area is a fun site to visit for children that require exercises on finding the area of basic shapes. The exercises are graded and consist of many blocks that complete a puzzle. This is aimed at the young primary school learner.

Monday, 27 April 2009

Fantastic blog for more teacher resources

I have found this site that also shows fantastic internet sites for teachers. Put this one on your favourites list.

Friday, 17 April 2009

Internet lessons for pre-primary - grade 8

I came across this multi-subject site with free lessons ranging from pre-school right through to grade 8. There are hundreds of interactive lessons in Maths, English, Social Science etc. Go to

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Learn your times tables. is a free resource teaching children their tables. They can either do them as seperate tables or they can attempt mixed tables. This is suitable for the intermediate phase learner.

Monday, 13 April 2009

PrePrimary and Foundation Phase

This amazing site was sent to me by Vanessa Rix from Durban. It has 1000's of FREE downloads for signs and labels .e.g. book labels, name labels. There are Birthday timelines, Rules and Behaviour etc.......You really need to check this out. They also have a blog keeping you updated with whats new.

Sunday, 12 April 2009


My name is Cheryl-Ann and I am an educator with more than 20 years teaching experience. The last seven years were spent as a Media Specialist and it was in this capacity that I developed my love of books. Given the responsibility of sourcing new resources for fellow members of staff it occurred to me how wonderful it would be to have one website that informed you about new products, books, charts... i.e. a website designed specifically for educators.
This gave rise to Teacher Resources.
With this blog I hope to keep you informed of anything new on the market, interesting new websites that educators may find useful etc.
I would love to have an interactive blog, so feel free to add constructive comments. If you know of any websites you would like me to add to this blog e-mail me at